[SML 7780] Re: [Squeak-ja: 4427] ESUGチラシの翻訳についてのご意見募集

佐原 伸 shin-sahara @ kuzo.csk.com
2010年 2月 17日 (水) 13:41:32 JST


私の英文チェックプログラムGrammarianが、下記の通り構文チェックしました :-)

On 2010/02/17, at 7:20, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:

>  というような感じです。ほかにもご意見があればどうぞ。
>  - Is it correct to say the "creation" of Smalltalk is in "the early
>    1980s"?
>  - It reads a bit awkward to name applications made about 10 to 5
>    years ago and say they are "current applications" and "advancing
>    the state of software".
>  - Sophie went on to Java, and Scratch is going on to
>    ActionScript/Flash.  It would be better to mention Teleplace but
>    remove OpenCroquet.
>  - It would be good to mention Jun.
>  - The description of the "Image" uses two "contains" and confusing a
>    bit; it is not clear that image "is" the environment and consists
>    of these things.
>  - "debugging while it is executing" should not a part of the description
>    of the "Image".
>  - Saying that a virtual machine is "a program which (?) ... executes
>    other programs" is a bit too vague.  I think that the description
>    for the virtual machine should go the along the line of "a virtual
>    machine is a machine, but happened to be done in software", and
>    not limited to executing programs but accessing other virtual
>    hardware components.
>  - Since there are languages with the type inference, "the developer ...
>    indicate the type is not a good explanation of static typing.  And
>    whether code is reusable or not is a big problem; explaining it

Do not use a semicolon before a participial modifier.

>    only from the static/dynamic typing POV seems overly controvercial.



>  - In "Events", perhaps the Smalltalks event in Argentina may be a
>    good addition.
>  - On the back side, "Reserved characters" look odd.  Rather it is
>    part of syntax?
> -- Yoshiki

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